Starting Weight: 186 lbs Weight as of 10/25/10: 184 lbs

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 51: Has It Been THAT Long???

WOW! I am amazed how quickly the days have gone by since my last post! I want to thank all my friends for helping me and keeping in touch with me all this time. I love you guys! Well since the last post, I have not gone back to the gym because I have 2 seasonal jobs and they have my soul! lol! Which I won't complain cuz I need the hours but I am soooo tired when I get home. No energy to drive to the gym and workout. I mean yeah I COULD go now since I don't have to work till 7pm tonight, but I haven't had a day off since Thursday. I really don't want to burn myself out even more by going to the gym after working everyday for 4 to 8+ hours ("plus" because I had to work both jobs on the same day the other day :P). I think I might put off the gym until after the craziness. :P

But what I could do is try to watch my calories. Obviously I'll start back up after Thanksgiving :P lol! I should lower it to 1200 cal since I'm not active or maybe just stick with the 1500. Either way, I should watch it. I still want to say thanks for the motivation! My friend and her best friend started blogs so I should keep them going by making ME continue with this blog!

Siiigh....this is going to be a loooong season! :P Have a happy Thanksgiving and wish me luck on Black Friday!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 31: Motivation and I'm Lacking It

Hi boys and girls. Sorry for the lack of posts. I've been up and down these past few days. Main thing I feel is that the anniversary of my father's passing has to do something with that. It was yesterday and I should move on. I think after the reminder is over, I'll be back to my old self again. :D It's a normal thing that happens to everybody. So I truly am okay. ^^

I saw a few friends posted on their blogs and one joined in. I should jump on the wagon again but I'm lacking the "gun-ho" attitude I had in the beginning. I haven't weighed myself and I haven't been to the gym in little over a week. I have been watching what I eat and not indulge myself like crazy. But sometimes it gets hard, too. I wish I had someone to go to the gym with me and have a goal together, but I have to realize that most of my friends are far away and the one friend I have close by gave up on the gym cuz she's having hardships at the moment and can't afford it. I just need to find the motivation to keep going. I have to try. So far, having this blog up and you guys reading it or at least following it is making me not completely give up. :P lol I love reading some of your blogs. Some of you write so beautifully that I want you to write my stories for me! lol! I suck at you can tell from my entries. :P hehehehe.... But ANYWAY..... I'm going to try to get back to the gym. If not this weekend, but starting Monday. It'll be a new day again. Even if after the 6 months are over, I lost 10 least I kept moving forward and not falling back! Thanks to all my friends for just being YOU! XD

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 22: Is it Halloween Yet?

Even though I'll be working, I can't wait for Halloween! I will sort of be cheating cuz I'm going to bake some Halloween goodies for the family and work....and you know I have to have some. XD lol But I think as long as I continue my routine of going to the gym, I'll somehow burn it off. :D I HOPE I burn it off. hehehe.... Surprisingly didn't eat much today so here's my log and good night!

  • Shake - 190 cal
  • Turkey sandwich - 220 cal
  • String cheese - 70 cal
  • Chicken and potatoes with stuffing - 500 cal
  • Ice cream - 140 cal
  • Shake - 190 cal

  • Elliptical - 467 cal
  • Treadmill - 268 cal

Monday, October 25, 2010

End of Day 21: Food Log of Joy

Just to keep my own promise of logging in my food, here is what I ate today. I just keep forgetting to post daily when I should. Kinda sad that I have to work on Halloween night...but happy cuz I HAVE to work on Halloween night. Yay for hours! :D Anyway here's my log and night night!

  • OJ - 110 cal
  • Fiber bar - 130 cal
  • Turkey sandwich - 220 cal
  • Snack bar - 100 cal
  • String cheese - 60 cal
  • Granola bar - 110 cal
  • Chicken and rice - 430 cal
  • Fudge bar - 110 cal
  • Cereal - 150 cal

Day 21: Keep On Truckin'

So I haven't been posting as much but I'm still trying to watch my self when I eat. I just came back from the gym so at least I feel good that I managed to go. I even jogged for 5 mins straight! And then another 2 mins. That made me feel good! :P It just has been a busy week for me. Went to two interviews and got my second job and went to Blizzcon to meet up with guild buddies and friends. So here I am starting another week. I weighed in and I'm still at 184 but at least I haven't gained anything :P lol Always look for the silver lining! I'm going to try to go to Zumba tomorrow. I have to write down the names of these songs because they are awesome!

  • Elliptical: 402 cal
  • Treadmill: 278 cal

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 16: Strength Training Kicked My Butt!

Hello again! Zumba was fun as always but since I recently came back to the gym, I had to skip one of the songs cuz it was too much for me. And today I tried out this Strength Training class and MAN I felt sick. I ate before and tried to drink as much water as I can but I still had to take a breather. I'm still going back cuz I need to. I just have to make my body get used to this again :P lol I haven't been writing down what I've eaten in a while. Half of it is cuz I've cheated...most of it. It's hard to avoid the chocolate chip cookies your boyfriend made when they're sitting right there and you're feeling snackish. I do try to watch what I eat in the morning and lunch time. It's the dinner times I have trouble watching. I just have to tell myself to keep going and try to stop myself from snacking the bad snacks...or just stop all together. :P lol Here's hoping! G'night everyone!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 15: Rain, rain, rain...

Had an easy day at work yesterday. All I did was stock the shelves and managed to talk to a few customers that walked in. Went to another interview today for Coach and it went well. Crossing my fingers and hoping I get juggle two jobs. :D lol I so need the cash. Haven't been logging what I have eaten lately but I know I'm kind of watching myself. I have slipped a few times but I know I can get back on track. Today had a shake and granola bar but when I got home I had a mini quesadilla :P lol Haven't gone to the gym yet cuz it's Zumba day and that class starts at 7pm. I hope I get to see those two women I met at the gym last time. I'm so out of shape for that class! lol! I might get a cramp in my mid-section from all the dancing. I just hope I still have the energy to go. It's been raining and it sometimes brings my mood down. Makes me not want to do anything...except maybe sleep. lol Anyway....ttyl!